Green Products

Green Plumbing Practices Conserve Water and Energy For Your Lansing, Michigan Area Home

Green plumbing is any kind of plumbing equipment that helps you save water and energy, with minimal chemicals used. It is popular not only because it makes for a cleaner and healthier environment, but also because it can help lower utility bills. Saving water is important because only 1% of Earth’s water is useable. As the population increases, conserving water becomes a more important step in making sure everyone has access to a clean water supply. Michigan Plumbing is a fully-accredited Green in the Lansing, Michigan area.

Why it’s Important to Conserve Water

  • Between now and 2015, the world’s population is expected to increase every year by 74.8 million
  • By the year 2013, at least 36 states in the U.S. anticipate local, regional or statewide water shortages
  • Americans use an average of 70 gallons of water indoors every day per person – enough to fill 1,120 drinking glasses
  • Toilets account for 25% of daily indoor water use in U.S. homes
  • Half of all toilets in U.S. homes are older, less efficient models
  • 1.6 billion gallons of water is wasted in the U.S. every day because of inefficient toilets
  • One leaky faucet, leaking at the rate of 60 drips per minute, wastes over 2,000 gallons of water annually
water conservation

We have over 125 years of combined experience. We’ll help you conserve energy and water with green plumbing products, services practices.

You and your home deserve the best plumbers and the best customer service experience in the Lansing, Michigan area. We continually train our plumbers and customer service representatives to deliver the highest quality experience to our customers. Our plumbers are experts in green plumbing technologies practices and advancements. We only use the highest quality green plumbing parts and products so our work lasts and lasts.

Get A Plumbing, Drain And Sewer Expert In Your Lansing, MI Area Home For FREE!
Call Now For Fast, Friendly Service – 517-322-2993.

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